Pet Emil Gutierrez Maria  

Control Your Cat’s Shedding with These Simple Tips

While shedding is natural for felines, abundant fur loss might signal health issues or stress. It’s hard to keep the house clean when there’s a lot of shedding. Make use of the following advice to regulate shedding, lessen hairballs, simplify home upkeep, and enhance your cat’s coat and skin health.

In addition, consider being equipped with cat insurance NZ so that unexpected health events are more manageable. Cheap cat insurance allows you to support your furball with timely medical assistance during unplanned vet visits at affordable costs, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.

Meanwhile, take a look at these tips for controlling your cat’s shedding.

How to do it?

Controlling your cat’s shedding helps maintain a clean home and supports your cat’s overall health. The below tips can help manage it –

1.Regular brushing

Brush your cat’s fur regularly, at least a few times a week. Use a suitable brush for your cat’s coat type. Brushing removes loose fur, reduces shedding, and prevents mats.

2.Healthy diet

Provide a balanced and high-quality diet. Proper nutrition supports healthy skin and coat, reducing excessive shedding. Meet your vet for dietary recommendations.


Ensure your cat has access to fresh water at all times. Hydrated skin leads to healthier fur, reducing shedding.

4.Grooming wipes

Use cat-friendly grooming wipes to remove loose fur between brushing sessions. Such wipes help capture loose hair and prevent it from spreading around your home.

5.Regular baths

Occasional baths can help control shedding by removing excess fur and dander. Use cat-specific, preferably organic or vet-recommended medicated shampoos and ensure your cat is comfortable with water.

6.Nutritional supplements

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can improve skin and coat health, reducing shedding. Seek your vet’s advice before adding any supplements to your cat’s diet.

7.Frequent vacuuming

Vacuum your home regularly, including furniture, carpets, and cat bedding. This helps reduce loose fur accumulation.

8.Lint rollers

Keep lint rollers handy to quickly remove fur from clothing and furniture.

9.Air purifiers

Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to capture airborne fur and dander.

10.Stress reduction

Minimize stressors like loud noises or changes in routine, as stress can exacerbate shedding and existing health issues.

11.Regular vet visits

Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to address any underlying health issues that might contribute to excessive shedding.

12.Deshedding tools

Consider using deshedding tools designed to reduce shedding. These tools help remove loose undercoat effectively.

13.Frequent Laundering

Wash your cat’s bedding and your own regularly to minimize fur accumulation. Controlling shedding in cats is essential to prevent excessive fur accumulation in the home, which can trigger allergies and asthma in humans.

Remember, some shedding is natural, especially during seasonal changes. However, if you notice a sudden increase in shedding or bald spots, contact your vet to rule out any underlying health concerns.

With consistent care and attention, you can manage your cat’s shedding and create a more comfortable living environment for both you and your feline friend. Nevertheless, consider being equipped with cat insurance in NZ.

With cheap cat insurance providing timely medical assistance during distressing health situations wouldn’t be as financially burdening. So, why not contemplate purchasing a policy?