Business Emil Gutierrez Maria  

The Pros and Cons of Using a Fake ID

Fake identification has become a widespread problem in today’s world. It’s not just minors trying to get into bars or clubs, but those who are looking to commit fraud, identity theft, and even terrorism. As a bartender, bouncer, or anyone who serves alcohol, it is your responsibility to identify that the person handing you an ID is the legal owner of that document. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to spot a fake idand keep yourself and others safe.

1. Look carefully at the card

Real IDs are professionally printed on high-quality materials, making them durable and withstanding wear and tear. Therefore, a fake ID may look flimsy and not up to the standard quality. Look out for spelling errors, smudged text or blurry photographs on the card. Check for any white-out marks or uneven edges. If it doesn’t feel right, trust your instinct and refuse to accept it.

2. Look at the picture

One of the most apparent signs of a fake ID is a poorly printed photo or a picture that does not resemble the person presenting the ID. Look for similar characteristics like, hairline, jawline, or eyebrows, to confirm the authenticity of the ID. Also, ensure that the person presenting the ID matches the height, weight, and build of the photo on the card.

3. Feel the texture

The texture of the ID is a good way to determine whether the card is real or fake. Real identification cards have a unique texture, and they are made up of sturdy material. On the other hand, a fake ID may feel flimsy, or the texture of the material may feel different from an actual identification card.

4. Use a black light

Most states use ultraviolet ink when designing their identification cards. It is a great way to authenticate the ID, as a real identification card will only have specific areas that glow under black light. The areas that glow vary depending on the state, and you should familiarize yourself with the one in your area. If the card doesn’t glow under the black light or glows in different areas, then chances are it’s not authentic.

5. Check the magnetic strip

Most identification cards have a magnetic strip on the back, which stores vital information about the person. Swipe the card on your magnetic reader to ascertain whether the card data matches the information, they are claiming. A fake ID may have a magnet strip, but usually, the data stored is not up to standards, which is a red flag.

There are several ways to spot a fake ID, and it takes a keen eye to identify one. However, it’s essential not to confront the person presenting the card, but instead call on your superiors to deal with the situation. As bartenders or bouncers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that we serve alcohol to those of legal age and not serve any individual with fake identification. Stay alert and trust your instincts when handling IDs and keep yourself and others safe.